
Member   Contact Term ends
Robert Stone Chair rstone [at] 2025
Patricia Richards Vice Chair prichards [at] 2026
Dan Steinbauer Member dsteinbauer [at] 2027
Maureen Collins-Kolb Member mcollins-kolb [at] 2025
Dan Kelsey Member dkelsey [at] 2025


Official Paper of Record is Seven Days, starting March 14, 2024. Legal Notices previous to that appeared in the Burlington Free Press

For the period April 2024 - March 2025, the Selectboard meets on the second and fourth Thursday of the month starting at 6:00 PM. Please see Calendar for exact dates, agendas, minutes and videos.

Are you interested in meeting with the Selectboard? Contact the Town Administrator or complete the Selectboard Meeting signup form and email it to bholden [at] You may also print out the form and mail it back to the Town Hall.

Agendas close by noon on the Monday before the meeting. If you are submitting any supporting documents they also must be submitted by that time. You will be notified of the time and date of your meeting when the agenda is finalized.

A video copy of some Selectboard meetings can be purchased by contacting MMCTV at mmctv15 [at] ().

Selectboard meetings usually air on MMCTV channel 15 on comcast cable the following Wed 1pm, Thur 9am & 8pm, Fri 9am.

Link to MMCTV's album with all the Underhill Selectboard meetings filmed since March 2012:

Mt. Mansfield Community Television video recordings of Underhill Selectboard meetings can be found at 
This is a handy way to view past Selectboard meetings, as MMCTV provides an corresponding agenda with timestamps for when each item appears in the recording.

Agendas for regular meetings of the Selectboard must be posted 48 hours in advance.

Agendas for special meetings must be posted 24 hours in advance.

As such, agendas for regular meetings are posted as follows

  • Items to be included on the agenda must be submitted no later than 12:00 noon on the Monday before the regular meeting.
  • For Special Meetings, agendas are posted when the meeting is warned, 24 hours in advance of the Special Meeting.
  • Agendas are posted in the following places:
    • Online at, as seen below
    • Online through Front Porch Forum (regular meetings only)
    • At Town Hall, 12 Pleasant Valley Road
    • At the Underhill Food Sharing Shed, Moore Park,  11 Pleasant Valley Rd
    • At Jacobs Family Market, 16 Park Street